You will always be spending time or money when trying to obtain the items you want, as it is playing with an in-game economy or your hard used income from your job, so don’t consider this an easy way to get what you’re after.
You’ll be using the Central Market in the game, and so you’ll be waking up earlier than the other players to check out the deals and trying to predict when pearl items are generally listed on the market as well as other things. To avoid the paywall, you have to be willing to put in more effort than other players who are also going to be using this method. You will need to have a good amount of money when trying to use this method because the items listed on the conventional markets can be costly, and it is best to be prepared to buy multiple boxes if needs be. This method does rely on RNG, as you can’t be sure what comes out of the loot boxes you buy on the market. While you may not use cash for your purchases, you will be spending time and effort to get these items. A thing to note, and a good baseline that anyone can take when preparing to use this method, is you have to ready yourself to try and out-think other players because you will be using the in-game market. Pearl items are purchased by players called whales, who buy pearl items and sell them back on the marketplace to turn in-game items, and this is something to note as you will primarily be buying from them for this method. You can use this method without the use of spending any real-life money.
This guide aims to tell you of a better, more hidden way to obtain pearl items such as karma blessings, pets, and costumes for your characters that you can get, whether they are seasonal or generally on the market. The method this guide utilizes is used by both twitch streamers and youtube content creators and is a viable strategy if you want to avoid the pay to win tactics the game developers have employed for pearl items. Fans of Black Desert Online have probably run into the paywall for Pearl items, and some may have even gotten frustrated at the fact that they would have to pay upwards of 30 dollars to get an outfit or any pets.Ī method used by players who consider themselves not pay to win, use the process detailed in this guide, and it is possible anyone can duplicate the results without the need for the use of money. If you want pearl items from Black Desert Online, but don’t want to pay for them, or rather don’t have the money to do so, this guide can get you some completely free cosmetic items for your character, as well as pets if you’re willing to put in the work for them. 4 Be Prepared To Get On The Game During Patch Day.
3 Read Pearl Shop Patch Notes For Sales.2 Buying Pearl Items From The Marketplace.